Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Functionality ideas

So far I have a couple different concept ideas for the way my book will work.

I'm still open to it being written in, but am considering that the presentation of the activity maybe enough, much like the artist Jessica (Larva) had me pull up in class. Then I could print it on a nicer paper which is always fun!

One idea)
is to make it very simple, like a workbook or activity book, with one example after another with explainations. This could be a lot like the book This Means This, This Means That. If you click that link and then click on the picture on the amazon site you can look at a couple pages and see how it works. This could be broken down into chapters, such as: "Money", "Status/Labels", "What role do we play in this?" "Nouns versus Verbs" etc. or just a consistent layout with different ideas sort of randomly organized. Another way it could possibly be organized is by "level" of perception, so one chapter is about social realities, one is more about personal reality etc.

Another idea)
that I've played with is to make the book about one or a handful of specific subjects which is split into four or so chapters or parts. Each part would deal with a different definition or model of the idea in question which is held as true. The title of this would be something like, "EVERYTHING IN THIS BOOK IS TRUE" The idea that all of the definitions are useful by different fields though they seem contradictory, paired with the notion that they are all "truth" could really be strong I think. The problem I am having with this is keeping them somewhat simple. The best examples I have is how light is both a wave and a particle like in the "double slit experiment" video I posted a while back, and the idea of sound which I talked about as posters. This would have to be very specific to limited subjects in order to keep it a realistic length and I think that could be less useful.

I could still make it less structured and have a mixture of brief informational pages, such as in The Medium is the Massage and the questions/activities for examples. If I go this route I think the "Bar graph of Belief could be utilized inside the book as well.

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