Sunday, December 26, 2010

Definitions: Ontology, Guerilla Ontology, Aristotelian/Non-Aristotelian

Important Concepts Relating to My Thesis

Ontology -

Via Wikipedia:
concerns the determining of whether some categories of being are fundamental and asks in what sense the items in those categories can be said to "be". It is the inquiry into being in so much as it is being, or into beings insofar as they exist—and not insofar as, for instance, particular facts obtained about them or particular properties related to them.
Some philosophers, notably of the Platonic school, contend that all nouns (including abstract nouns) refer to existent entities. Other philosophers contend that nouns do not always name entities, but that some provide a kind of shorthand for reference to a collection of either objects or events. In this latter view, mind, instead of referring to an entity, refers to a collection of mental events experienced by a person; society refers to a collection of persons with some shared characteristics, and geometry refers to a collection of a specific kind of intellectual activity.

Via Merriam Webster:
a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being

Guerrilla Ontology-
Loosely inspired by Guerrilla Warfare, it is a way of presenting information, whether fictional or informational, which deliberately organizes the information in such a way that the viewer/audience must constantly question the truth of what is being communicated. The end result being that the viewer becomes more skeptical and less apt to believe any one thing over all other things.

For the purposes of my discussion, I will used in the work of Alfred Korzybski and Robert Anton Wilson - Aristotelianism refers to a dogmatic belief in an "either/or" logic. In other words, logic which implies that all things are either 100% true/real or 0% true/real (false).

Why I think it "is" bad:
It is my belief that this kind of logic system, left unchecked, allows for generalizations which oversimplify ideas to the point where they have no actual connection to reality. This plays into the confusion of value judgments (or opinions) with facts. I believe this to be directly related to the appearance of all forms of prejudice, which acts against the human race's best interests.

Allows for multiple valued logic: i.e. "maybe logic"Depends on the idea that there is never a 1 to 1 ratio of proof to idea. This comes from the notion that one cannot experience/witness/apprehend all of the universe forever, which would be the only true way to determine the truth of an idea Asserts that all information we can communicate about is closer to a model of the universe than the universe itself and that models can be improved to better interact with the universe.

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