Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some new books

Really pumped as I got a couple of books while on break.

Tonight I was just loaned a book about Sufism, The Way of the Sufi, which is a mystic tradition that arose from the Islamic tradition but is much like Zen. (lots of brief seemingly contradictory statements, allegories and poetic riddles,)

I also received my copy of Alfred Korzybski's Science and Sanity. I've been trying to get a copy but the Columbus library system doesn't have a copy and they were no cheaper than 60 bucks online. However, one finally showed up for 30 bucks and I nabbed it.
I think, if I can read a substantial portion of it, it will likely have a great impact on my solution. It is one of the primary texts on General Semantics, which Korzybski describes, "In general semantics we are concerned with teh sanity of the race, including particularly methods of prevention; eliminating from home, elementary, and higher education inadequate aristotelian [either/or, a or not a] types of evaluation which too often lead to the un-sanity of the race, and building up for the first time a positive theory of sanity, as a workable non-aristotelian system."

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