Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Possible Forms for the Design Solution

My ideas are spinning. I want to do so much and there is not so much time! I feel like if I could commit to an idea in the next week or two I can take it so much further than if I let "it" keep evolving. On the other hand, I keep reading such great stuff and changing the way I state my idea/problem (slightly, but enough that the design solution seems like it would be different).

So far my ideas include:
-A poster series about what the word "sound" means, using the "If a tree falls . . ." example which use different definitions, one in each designated area (Short North, Clintonville, Bexley etc.).

-A mural, preferably projected flash video, of a "bargraph of belief" which depicts the number of people who hold different beliefs compared to the world population

-A workbook, think "Highlights for nerds," with duable activities and project ideas which will present the ideas and give the viewer and interactive experience and allowing for contemplation.
(I think that many of my ideas which I don't see as "final product ideas" could be utilized in this idea)

-Quotes by important thinkers on the subject such as Marshall McLuhan, Buckminster Fuller, Robert Anton Wilson, Alfred Korzybski, Timothy Leary, Fred Allan Wolfe. etc. Presented as street art, perhaps as full scale wheatpaste of the thinker + a quote on the subject

-A book, much like that of Quentin Fiore's work with McLuhan and Fuller, which presents the ideas and examples in a graphic way. (see, The Medium is the Massage, War and Peace in the Global Village, I Seem to be a Verb)

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