Monday, January 10, 2011

Some More Freewriting. (b&w, abstract concepts, my greatest hope for humanity)

"Black & white" - stemming from an Aristotelian mindset (either/or mentality), this is the idea that everything IS either one way or another. This is easily observed in the idea of morals. An action either is "right" or "wrong" to most people, regardless of the individual context. However, this also seems to appear in any identification.

Words as Forms. Plato's forms are the concepts we attach to words? There seems to be a belief that the word is the thing. I say 'fork' and it implies a shape, a use or short list of uses, a color probably, and a texture perhaps to the fingers and different parts of the mouth. But fork 1 is not fork 2 is not fork 3. The differences between them being, different sources of creation, different histories (being owned by different people, used to eat different foods etc), different physical features, different locations, degrees of cleaness, - all of these seem pretty unimportant though.

When we begin to label abstract concepts [words whose meanings are up for interpretation?] (what do I mean by that word?) such as, "Hip Hop", "Justice", "Appropriate Clothing", "Christian", "Muslim", "Thief", "Nutritious," "Progress," "negative," "positive" etc. etc. etc. . . . all sorts of confusions happen which create disagreements which in many cases escalate into un-cooperativeness (think non-partisanship) with or even violence against other human beings.

How to get on the same page? is that the question? What does "progress" or "the best way for human beings to be" mean to me? A: The best thing I can imagine for human kind is the ability for every human being to pursue the deepest pleasures and aspirations her or she has, to discover their calling and achieve it- for every person to have a purpose to themselves and society as a whole. This of course requires many of things before it could ever happen, abolition of poverty, hunger, slavery, prejudice etc. I'm not imaging a utopia with nothing unfortunate or "bad" ever happening, but a situation in which no one is exploited. My greatest hope for humanity is that no one is exploited.

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