Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some "new" sketches

So, these sketches are really just for "fun." I had this idea way back in September and had talked about it a couple of times. I decided it was worth seeing a rough of idea of what they could look like. I just used some google images. The lists are basically what came to mind when I started to type them, I didn't delete or rearrange any parts of them. That said, if I were to really produce these (I imagined them as 40x60in or larger prints) I would obsess over what is included in the lists. Not sure I would keep the words "fork" and "chair" in the actual pieces.
Maybe these could be utilized in some sort of workbook or book if I go that route. Perhaps the opposing page could say, "Circle the correct one" or "What does chair/fork mean?" or "Which of these describes the pictured object?" or something like that. . .
Let me know what you think about these. Do they make sense? Are they helpful? Have they been done before (I feel like something similar must exists somewhere)?

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